...Living in St. Elizabeth, everyone takes different routes to other towns than I am used to. Saturday we drove through Eldon on our way to Sedalia for the State Fair. Eldon has a WALMART! Yippee! It's only about 30 minutes and it beats having to deal with Jeff City traffic on the weekends.
...A good way to make chocolate ice cream "April style" is to add cocoa to vanilla ice cream. It's an acquiring taste that I got used to as a kid when we were out of Nesquick and no chocolate ice cream. I'm not a vanilla ice cream fan if you can't tell. I know I'm an odd duck!
...Seems like everything always happens on the same weekend - same day. This weekend we're invited to a wedding, TWO bachelor/bachelorette parties AND it's the Truck & Tractor Pull in St. Anthony. Which Mike has to work Saturday moving stuff to their new building at work. So I may attend the wedding that day if I can get someone to go with me then that night who knows what!?
...I can finally wear my hair curly without my head looking like I poked my fingers in a light socket! So glad because it's sooo much easier to fix through the week. Not to mention I can snooze in. :)
...My wonderful momma purchased an elliptical for an early birthday present for me. Found a good deal at Sears so I hope it works good. Should be in store for me to pick up in a week or two. I'm ready to get in the habit of using it and to kick this never ending heart disease gene out of my system! lol Well I can get rid of it completely
obviously, but at least I can do my part on making sure it's as healthy as I can get it. Sucks that heart disease runs in all four generations of my family!
...Online shopping is my weakness.
...I browse Etsy.com in my free time.
...I've posted a few weeks ago about loving peanut butter and honey mixed together as a snack. Well.... I am done with peanut butter for a very LONG time. I thought I would be smart and buy the Kroger brand since the name brands are so high. Well I didn't realize I bought the stir and refrigerate kind. Never heard of that! So I did just that, then when it was ready I had some with honey. Never. Ever. EVER. Again. I was so sick to my stomach for 3-4 days. Guess I got a bad batch of peanut butter or it was contaminated!? Just thinking about it makes me want to gag.
...My Scentsy stuff should be coming in this week. I cannot wait!