Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Just when I think it's me...
I knew something just didn't seem right Friday evening, but didn't think nothing more about it since we were busy with the boys. These little vines or flowers or whatever you called them spread like wild fire. I'm sure my mom will correct my lack of flower knowledge. I am always plucking a bunch out every month in the warm seasons so it doesn't start to take over my yard. With that said, these vines are impossible to kill. I mentioned it to Mike on Monday when we were going to see Jr's gator. With his response I knew right away I was talking with the culprit. He thought they were weeds when he was weed eating. Goof!
For the rest of the flower bed, I am surprised a few of the tulips I planted last fall made it. The ground there is extremely hard so they weren't planted very good.
Wednesday Ramblings

...I believe (knock on wood) that I have no set in stone plans this weekend. Such a great feeling! Feeling the need to tackle some do-to's on the house list, for once not the wedding. :)
...Work has been super hectic. I hate it when other people feel the need to take on more work than they can handle just to impress higher up people. And guess who the majority of the work falls on... this girl. Sigh. Story of my work life.
...So far I have had NO luck in finding a place that will take my vision insurance. It's getting very frustrating and making me wonder why I even have insurance to begin with! Guess it could be worse...
...I have been on a huge juice kick lately. So much that it doesn't make me really crave or want a soda that much. I probably drink 1-2 a week now and that's just when I'm at mom and dads. lol
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
New Ride!

I am grateful for the new family I am about to officially get come September. They treat me like their own grand-daughter, daughter, sister and niece. It's nice to know I can count on each and every one of them just like my own family.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Weekend Wrap Up
After work I met Shelley to pick up the boys. When we got home, Nathan was barely out the door and already in the house before I even woke Blake up looking and hollering for Mike. He doesn't forget a thing. Ate pizza then headed to check out the creeks.
This is Brushy Creek behind Mike's mom and dads place. The house in the picture isn't theirs, it's an old farm house of their neighbors.

Brushy Creek again from the gravel road. Can you see where the bridge is suppose to be? lol Of course, Blake and Nathan wanted us to cross it.

Came back home so the boys could work on their car boxes. They turned out great. Made some popcorn and put them into plastic measuring cups which worked perfect as they could keep them hung on the side of their cars. Nathan wasn't into the whole movie thing so he just played. Blake on the other hand, he was glued to the TV. We watched Rio, it was pretty good. I thought it was the movie Rango when I recorded it so I was a little disappointed. lol
The boys enjoying their Drive-In Movie! Nathan is such a ham so you would think he would smile for the camera. I think this was Take #7 of trying to get a smile which by now his mouth is full of popcorn. lol

Mike and Blake went with Randy to get feed from Meta. I think he felt like the big guys getting to do everything they were doing. Later Nathan and I went along too. We watched the boys load up corn on the truck. Headed to Jr's lake when they got done to fish. Blake does pretty good and doesn't need any help unless he gets hooked on something. Nathan on the other hand, he is a wild fisherman. Moving the pole, bouncing it, reeling it in as fast as he could even though there was no fish on it. No wonder his worm kept getting off and he would yell at the fish to get on. lol
That evening we headed to my mom and dads for supper and to drop the boys off. Todd was nice enough to bring me some mushrooms since I hadn't had any yet for the year. They were good! Nathan cried for Mike as we left. Poor little guy gets his heart broke so easy. I think it made Mike's day.
I didn't wake up in time to go with Mike to his grandma's to visit before church, which he leaves around 7:30. lol So Mike and his uncle Jr. picked me up before church. I swear the church is shrinking even more! lol Hope there is room for everyone come September 8th! Father Ben has been back for a couple weeks now from visiting his family in Nigeria. His mom came back with him and thinks our weather is soo cold. She doesn't understand why in the world the kids going to school are wearing shorts. She thinks they must be ill or something. Good thing she wasn't here back in December when it really was cold out! lol
Went to Mike's mom and dads to eat then came home to do some major cleaning and to tackle some wedding decor. I was using a spray can for the decor and it leaked big time. I was so furious with it as my hand was literally covered in paint. Not only that, but I was out of everything to get the paint off. So I scrubbed to get as much as I could off before my hand felt raw. Wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't a different type of paint which made my hands literally stuck together so it HAD to come off. Randy came over and grilled pork tenderloin in the shed. It was such a nice evening for it. Fisher rode the four-wheeler with his two boys to visit. One thing I love about living in town, it's convent for visitors.
After work I met Shelley to pick up the boys. When we got home, Nathan was barely out the door and already in the house before I even woke Blake up looking and hollering for Mike. He doesn't forget a thing. Ate pizza then headed to check out the creeks.
This is Brushy Creek behind Mike's mom and dads place. The house in the picture isn't theirs, it's an old farm house of their neighbors.
Brushy Creek again from the gravel road. Can you see where the bridge is suppose to be? lol Of course, Blake and Nathan wanted us to cross it.
Came back home so the boys could work on their car boxes. They turned out great. Made some popcorn and put them into plastic measuring cups which worked perfect as they could keep them hung on the side of their cars. Nathan wasn't into the whole movie thing so he just played. Blake on the other hand, he was glued to the TV. We watched Rio, it was pretty good. I thought it was the movie Rango when I recorded it so I was a little disappointed. lol
The boys enjoying their Drive-In Movie! Nathan is such a ham so you would think he would smile for the camera. I think this was Take #7 of trying to get a smile which by now his mouth is full of popcorn. lol
Mike and Blake went with Randy to get feed from Meta. I think he felt like the big guys getting to do everything they were doing. Later Nathan and I went along too. We watched the boys load up corn on the truck. Headed to Jr's lake when they got done to fish. Blake does pretty good and doesn't need any help unless he gets hooked on something. Nathan on the other hand, he is a wild fisherman. Moving the pole, bouncing it, reeling it in as fast as he could even though there was no fish on it. No wonder his worm kept getting off and he would yell at the fish to get on. lol
That evening we headed to my mom and dads for supper and to drop the boys off. Todd was nice enough to bring me some mushrooms since I hadn't had any yet for the year. They were good! Nathan cried for Mike as we left. Poor little guy gets his heart broke so easy. I think it made Mike's day.
I didn't wake up in time to go with Mike to his grandma's to visit before church, which he leaves around 7:30. lol So Mike and his uncle Jr. picked me up before church. I swear the church is shrinking even more! lol Hope there is room for everyone come September 8th! Father Ben has been back for a couple weeks now from visiting his family in Nigeria. His mom came back with him and thinks our weather is soo cold. She doesn't understand why in the world the kids going to school are wearing shorts. She thinks they must be ill or something. Good thing she wasn't here back in December when it really was cold out! lol
Went to Mike's mom and dads to eat then came home to do some major cleaning and to tackle some wedding decor. I was using a spray can for the decor and it leaked big time. I was so furious with it as my hand was literally covered in paint. Not only that, but I was out of everything to get the paint off. So I scrubbed to get as much as I could off before my hand felt raw. Wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't a different type of paint which made my hands literally stuck together so it HAD to come off. Randy came over and grilled pork tenderloin in the shed. It was such a nice evening for it. Fisher rode the four-wheeler with his two boys to visit. One thing I love about living in town, it's convent for visitors.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wednesday Ramblings

...This weekend is Blake and Nathan weekend! Thanks to Sarah for pinning the movie drive-in idea on Pinterest, we now have something 'new' to do once it's dark out.
...Another thank you to a fellow blogger, Courtney for suggesting awhile back about 6pm.com. I think I found my wedding shoes and a couple of dresses really cheap on there for my showers and weddings I am attending this year. One dress is a Jessica Simpson with a price tag $138 and I paid $30+ (can't remember the exact price). Plus it's FREE shipping! Can't beat that. It's very well made.
...Spent way too much money this week for decorations for a 'special' table at the wedding. But these items will be displayed in my home after the wedding so at least it will be seen for years to come. Excited for certain loved ones to see this table! :)
...I spray painted our ugly gold door knobs with the hammered paint when we bought the house. So I've been gradually buying new (very slow at doing this) and recently bought one for our basement. I will be so glad to get it installed before the weekend knowing it's locked with a key. The door opens inward to the steps and it would be very easy for anyone especially a child to go tumbling down.
...Is it bad that I worry my house will burn, tornado will get it or something and all I am concerned about is how we can't replace some of the items we already bought for the wedding? LOL I worry and fret way too much!! Maybe the bank will let me rent part of their vault (kidding). Ha, like that will fly over well.
...I am loving the Walmart brand of vanilla yogurt.
...I think I am finally done with our wedding registries. I actually started them back in December. lol Didn't want to be a procrastinator in case anyone wants to order early like I do when it comes to gifts.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Wedding buys
Enough with the wedding sneak peeks. Have a happy Tuesday! :)
Handy April
Finally got around to using one of my Christmas presents. Todd always puts a lot of thought into his gifts. Mine was a pink tool set since he knows I'm constantly doing something around the house. Works like a charm. Took an uneven shelf Mike hung up down and transported the canvas picture of the boys to the living room. I always forget about this canvas since I only go in that bathroom when I'm cleaning it.
April's tools. No need to fear Mike will run off with any of my pink tools. :)

New location! Wish the canvas was just a little bigger.
April's tools. No need to fear Mike will run off with any of my pink tools. :)
New location! Wish the canvas was just a little bigger.
Monday, March 19, 2012
God has other plans
Weekend Wrap Up
I had to work late. On my way home I had to take this pretty picture of the sky to send to my mom with God beaming people up. Of course I don't really think that, but I did at one time. When I was little, of course. :)

Mike and I got up bright and early to head to Jeff. Got to Victoria's Bridal and picked out our tuxes. I love them! I was wanting something different, but I let Mike have the control on this one since he is the one wearing them. Love our end choice with the vest and ties. Now I just have to double check to make sure they wrote down the right one the next time I go there. lol The girl that helped kept getting the colors mixed up so it's better to double check then to have it all wrong. My dress was still there hanging up. I never said a word until we left so Mike wouldn't look in that direction. Can't wait to get it in. Had breakfast at McDonalds. It's been a long time since I ate breakfast there and will be a long time before I do that again. It wasn't very good at all. We were so disappointed. Stopped at Walgreens to get our passport pictures done then headed over to the jewelry store to pick out Mike's wedding ring and to order my wedding band. Managed to get three things done off our very long wedding to-do list. :) Was home by 11 so we had time to eat at Mike's mom and dads and got home before the storm set in for the day. I don't think I ever heard thunder so loud as I did at Frank and Laverne's. You could see the lighting hitting in the field behind their house. Thank goodness that wasn't where their cows were located at. I really wish I could share a picture of what I made on Saturday, but I can't since I know one bridesmaid for sure reads my blog. ;) That evening we headed to Kitty's for a little while.
Headed to Vienna to go to church with mom. Had dinner afterwards of corn beef and cabbage. We're the only ones in my family that likes it so I look forward to it this time of the year. Came home and pulled some weeds. A few of my tulips I planted last Fall made it. I was a little unsure since the ground where I planted them was very hard so the bulbs didn't get into the ground as much as I would have liked. Mike mowed the yard, it was looking pretty shabby and the worst in town in my opinion. Hoping to buy grass seed this week and for it to kill all the weeds. Our Sunday cook, Randy came over and cooked beer butt chicken. It was soooo good.
I had to work late. On my way home I had to take this pretty picture of the sky to send to my mom with God beaming people up. Of course I don't really think that, but I did at one time. When I was little, of course. :)

Mike and I got up bright and early to head to Jeff. Got to Victoria's Bridal and picked out our tuxes. I love them! I was wanting something different, but I let Mike have the control on this one since he is the one wearing them. Love our end choice with the vest and ties. Now I just have to double check to make sure they wrote down the right one the next time I go there. lol The girl that helped kept getting the colors mixed up so it's better to double check then to have it all wrong. My dress was still there hanging up. I never said a word until we left so Mike wouldn't look in that direction. Can't wait to get it in. Had breakfast at McDonalds. It's been a long time since I ate breakfast there and will be a long time before I do that again. It wasn't very good at all. We were so disappointed. Stopped at Walgreens to get our passport pictures done then headed over to the jewelry store to pick out Mike's wedding ring and to order my wedding band. Managed to get three things done off our very long wedding to-do list. :) Was home by 11 so we had time to eat at Mike's mom and dads and got home before the storm set in for the day. I don't think I ever heard thunder so loud as I did at Frank and Laverne's. You could see the lighting hitting in the field behind their house. Thank goodness that wasn't where their cows were located at. I really wish I could share a picture of what I made on Saturday, but I can't since I know one bridesmaid for sure reads my blog. ;) That evening we headed to Kitty's for a little while.
Headed to Vienna to go to church with mom. Had dinner afterwards of corn beef and cabbage. We're the only ones in my family that likes it so I look forward to it this time of the year. Came home and pulled some weeds. A few of my tulips I planted last Fall made it. I was a little unsure since the ground where I planted them was very hard so the bulbs didn't get into the ground as much as I would have liked. Mike mowed the yard, it was looking pretty shabby and the worst in town in my opinion. Hoping to buy grass seed this week and for it to kill all the weeds. Our Sunday cook, Randy came over and cooked beer butt chicken. It was soooo good.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Wednesday Ramblings

...Saturday Mike and I are getting up bright and early to order/pick out tuxes, get our passports, his wedding band picked out and ordered as well as my wedding band. Will be glad to get a few more items marked off the wedding to-do list. Hoping to find time this weekend to pick out our songs as well. Slowly, but surely we are getting there. Hopefully we can get all these things accomplished.
...Still have a cold which has now led into the nagging cough.
...I've been on a lime green kick lately. Bought a underneath tank and I'm hooked! It's not the neon color but close.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Weekend Wrap Up
I had to work late since three publications had to go to press. Friday's are always the busiest day of the work week for me, therefore, I think it should be illegal to work so hard on the weekend eve. :) Stopped by mom and dads before heading home to drop off a screen they had fixed. I think mom learned her lesson that she can get screens fixed from little to nothing if she has her soon-to-be son-in-law take them to his work. lol I've still been battling a cold-sinus' so it was an early night for me. Benedryl has been my new best friend.
Woke up feeling even worse. Took a very long shower and took my time getting ready. Seemed to have helped so I was ready to go for the weekend, or so I thought. Mike, Randy and I met Andrea and Aaron and headed to Springfield. About 20 of us stopped to eat lunch at Hooters before venturing over to the bowling alley for a grueling 7 hours!! The previous bowlers were running an hour behind. Did get to see a couple of guys score a 300. They take their bowling way too seriously up there. A guy next to us literally talked to his ball, kissed it, then would lick his finger to test the air every time he bowled. Guess it was pretty windy in there for him. lol Not to mention he would choose between four balls he brought on which one to use each time. Weird. Watched the ended of the Mizzou game then headed to check in to our hotel.
Usually we always regret driving to eat somewhere because there is always a wait so we choose Coyote Adobe which was right next to the hotel. Well... we waited an hour and half to get our food. They didn't tell us until 50 minutes of waiting that there was a party of 30 in the back that had an order before us. Great. For all we knew we were the next table to get our food because the rest of the restaurant wasn't packed at all. Finally got our food and mine was horrible. They decided to take our drinks off. Good for everyone else, but Mike and I both had water. lol Everyone headed across the street to Midnight Rodeo. I on the other hand opted out and just wanted to take more meds and sleep. I was getting worse and starting to think I was dumb for coming along and not staying home to get better.
Felt a little better but was losing my voice. Thank goodness it was an early morning and we headed back home. Did some laundry, laid down for awhile then tackled some decorations for the wedding. Felt good to get a start on it. I've been slacking especially if I want to make my own personal deadline to get it all done before Summer.
I had to work late since three publications had to go to press. Friday's are always the busiest day of the work week for me, therefore, I think it should be illegal to work so hard on the weekend eve. :) Stopped by mom and dads before heading home to drop off a screen they had fixed. I think mom learned her lesson that she can get screens fixed from little to nothing if she has her soon-to-be son-in-law take them to his work. lol I've still been battling a cold-sinus' so it was an early night for me. Benedryl has been my new best friend.
Woke up feeling even worse. Took a very long shower and took my time getting ready. Seemed to have helped so I was ready to go for the weekend, or so I thought. Mike, Randy and I met Andrea and Aaron and headed to Springfield. About 20 of us stopped to eat lunch at Hooters before venturing over to the bowling alley for a grueling 7 hours!! The previous bowlers were running an hour behind. Did get to see a couple of guys score a 300. They take their bowling way too seriously up there. A guy next to us literally talked to his ball, kissed it, then would lick his finger to test the air every time he bowled. Guess it was pretty windy in there for him. lol Not to mention he would choose between four balls he brought on which one to use each time. Weird. Watched the ended of the Mizzou game then headed to check in to our hotel.
Usually we always regret driving to eat somewhere because there is always a wait so we choose Coyote Adobe which was right next to the hotel. Well... we waited an hour and half to get our food. They didn't tell us until 50 minutes of waiting that there was a party of 30 in the back that had an order before us. Great. For all we knew we were the next table to get our food because the rest of the restaurant wasn't packed at all. Finally got our food and mine was horrible. They decided to take our drinks off. Good for everyone else, but Mike and I both had water. lol Everyone headed across the street to Midnight Rodeo. I on the other hand opted out and just wanted to take more meds and sleep. I was getting worse and starting to think I was dumb for coming along and not staying home to get better.
Felt a little better but was losing my voice. Thank goodness it was an early morning and we headed back home. Did some laundry, laid down for awhile then tackled some decorations for the wedding. Felt good to get a start on it. I've been slacking especially if I want to make my own personal deadline to get it all done before Summer.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Wednesday Ramblings

...This weekend Mike and I are going to Springfield with another couple from St. Elizabeth. There is probably about 40 bowlers from our area that participates every year in the bowling tournament. Always the second weekend in March. St. E takes over Springfield!
...You can tell it's getting close to St. Pats here in Rolla. Already seeing lots of guys carrying around their decorative tree trunks as an initiation. Looks like fun. Not!
...Back in November we had a new thermostat put in. I am usually pretty good about getting things back in order with my house to the way it should be as soon as I can... but not this! I still have a patch on the wall that needs sanded down and repainted where our new thermostat doesn't cover the same area as the old one. Sigh. To my defense, the whole hallway needs repainted. I thought I did such a good job painting it last year... well it's about a half-a$$ job! I'm blaming it on bad lighting, paint exhaustion and me being in a tizzy on moving into our new home.
...I am officially addicted to Storage Wars, thanks to my dad. Yesterday I was at home sick and guess what.... it was a Storage Wars marathon! I was in heaven despite feeling crappy. :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
I love Etsy just as much as Pinterest, only with Etsy you can actually buy the items! :) Over the weekend the name blocks I ordered for Danielle came in. It's even better than I expected. I think I'll give it to her when I see her in a couple of weeks. I'm antsy when it comes to gift giving!

Lucky for me, she doesn't read my blog!
Lucky for me, she doesn't read my blog!
Weekend Wrap Up
Mike was helping his uncle with his turkeys since he was ill. I ended up staying at my mom and dads since mom and I were getting up early the next morning for shopping. Ate supper at Roadkill. I always get the same thing, pulled pork sandwich. Maybe next time I will venture out and try something new.
Mom and I headed to Springfield to do some wedding shopping. We had a gift card to use at Gordmans, but we didn't see a single thing to buy. This never happens to us with this store. Usually we are putting stuff back on the shelf before we check out because we have too much! Ended up finding a few things on our list at Hobby Lobby. Ate at Longhorn Steak House for lunch, my Grilled Fontina Chicken sandwich and loaded potato soup was really good! Headed to the mall then on to Walmart before heading home.
Mike and I headed to his mom and dads for lunch. Mike's uncle Jr. was busy helping his other uncle, Fran out with his turkeys since he was still sick so we feed Jr's turkeys for him. Quite the workout feeding around 12,000 turkeys not to mention it's about 90 degrees in there. By the time I got done with one side from where I started it looked like I didn't do anything since they ate it so fast. lol Glad I don't have to do that everyday with the smell and turkey crap all over the bottom of your shoes. Was such a nice day out so Randy and Mike went fishing while Jr. and I sat on the bank and watched. Didn't take long for the wind to pick up and clouds to come in so back home it was. Made cube steak for supper and ended the evening watching the season premiere of Army Wives.
Mike was helping his uncle with his turkeys since he was ill. I ended up staying at my mom and dads since mom and I were getting up early the next morning for shopping. Ate supper at Roadkill. I always get the same thing, pulled pork sandwich. Maybe next time I will venture out and try something new.
Mom and I headed to Springfield to do some wedding shopping. We had a gift card to use at Gordmans, but we didn't see a single thing to buy. This never happens to us with this store. Usually we are putting stuff back on the shelf before we check out because we have too much! Ended up finding a few things on our list at Hobby Lobby. Ate at Longhorn Steak House for lunch, my Grilled Fontina Chicken sandwich and loaded potato soup was really good! Headed to the mall then on to Walmart before heading home.
Mike and I headed to his mom and dads for lunch. Mike's uncle Jr. was busy helping his other uncle, Fran out with his turkeys since he was still sick so we feed Jr's turkeys for him. Quite the workout feeding around 12,000 turkeys not to mention it's about 90 degrees in there. By the time I got done with one side from where I started it looked like I didn't do anything since they ate it so fast. lol Glad I don't have to do that everyday with the smell and turkey crap all over the bottom of your shoes. Was such a nice day out so Randy and Mike went fishing while Jr. and I sat on the bank and watched. Didn't take long for the wind to pick up and clouds to come in so back home it was. Made cube steak for supper and ended the evening watching the season premiere of Army Wives.
Friday, March 2, 2012
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