Mike brought home BBQ Chicken that he and his uncle cooked. He also brought home fresh deer jerky. I can make myself sick off of that stuff, it's soooo good. Stayed home to watch the World Series!
First Saturday Mike didn't have to work. He spent the morning helping down at the farm. I wasn't feeling the greatest with allergies so it was a very lazy morning for me. For lunch, I headed to Mike's parents house where Laverne cooked spaghetti for everyone. Visited for a little while then headed back home. Made no bake cookies and watched a few movies. Still wasn't feeling up to par.
No allergy problems! :) We headed once again to Mike's mom and dads for lunch. That afternoon I headed with Mike to watch the guys get the beans loaded on the truck. It was interesting to say the least. Then we headed to my mom and dads for supper. Grandma and grandpa joined us. Grandpa was full of stories as always. Most of which we've heard several times in several different ways.
It was a nice quiet weekend spent with family. I'm very blessed to be able to enjoy my grandparents and to hear their stories, even if I already heard them.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
A few of us at work a couple of Fridays ago. Corrie, Ramona, Sarah, Holly (sitting down in the middle, who is my boss' daughter), Karen and I. Our so called Got Squirrel shirts that Corrie picked up for everyone when she went to the postseason game was $35. Well JCP now carries the exact shirt for $20. lol Go figure!
Now we NEED a big win tomorrow tonight!!!!
Wednesday Ramblings

...Work is still hectic. Not to mention we are now starting to do Lake ads. Not sure why considering they have double the staff we have. A little frustrating... and to top it off it appears to be out of my boss' hands. Pays to be in a corporate world - not!
...Got one more Christmas present finished. Which that only makes two that are officially done and several more to go. :(
...I'm already looking forward to Saturday and sleeping in. I've been so tired already this week with work and it's hard for me to go to bed earlier. I just can't do it! lol
Monday, October 24, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
I had to work late so Mike picked up pizza and a movie. We watched The Switch with Jennifer Aniston in it. It was an okay movie.
Mike had to work again. I got all the laundry and house cleaned by noon, a good feeling that stuff is out of the way so you can enjoy the beautiful days before it gets too cold out. After I took my shower I was surprised to see I had a voice mail from Dad saying him and mom were at Kittys eating lunch. I think they just missed their baby girl. :) They came over and we took a drive so they could see the Osage river at the Tavern access. Not long after they left Mike was back from work so we headed out again to enjoy the day. Stopped to see his friend Jason who needed a break from working on his wife's car so we headed out for a drive. Ended up visiting Trevor and Emily for awhile and of course little Hunter. Ate supper at Kittys then went home to watch the Cards play an awesome game.
I went with Mike to do his usual Sunday routine of going to his grandmas house to visit then headed to church with his uncle Jr. After church Jr. treated us to lunch at the community center where the Knights of Columbus had a Fall dinner. Mike's cousin ended up sitting right behind us so I got to hold baby Madison while they ate. She has changed a lot in looks since I last saw her, but still looking more and more like her momma. After the dinner Mike's mom and dad met us at the house and we headed to Jake's 3rd birthday party in Tuscumbia. After we got back, Mike and I headed out once again to help out a friend, Kristina with her house. I hated that we had another Sunday of planned events already so I was bound and determined to go there and help for at least a little bit. I ended up painting while Mike helped the guys clear some limbs out before they called it a day.
Correction to my Wednesday Ramblings: The Hornets weren't going to state just yet (then). They had one more game (last Thursday) which they won. Saturday they played for state and WON! Congratulations to the St. Elizabeth Hornets!!
I had to work late so Mike picked up pizza and a movie. We watched The Switch with Jennifer Aniston in it. It was an okay movie.
Mike had to work again. I got all the laundry and house cleaned by noon, a good feeling that stuff is out of the way so you can enjoy the beautiful days before it gets too cold out. After I took my shower I was surprised to see I had a voice mail from Dad saying him and mom were at Kittys eating lunch. I think they just missed their baby girl. :) They came over and we took a drive so they could see the Osage river at the Tavern access. Not long after they left Mike was back from work so we headed out again to enjoy the day. Stopped to see his friend Jason who needed a break from working on his wife's car so we headed out for a drive. Ended up visiting Trevor and Emily for awhile and of course little Hunter. Ate supper at Kittys then went home to watch the Cards play an awesome game.
I went with Mike to do his usual Sunday routine of going to his grandmas house to visit then headed to church with his uncle Jr. After church Jr. treated us to lunch at the community center where the Knights of Columbus had a Fall dinner. Mike's cousin ended up sitting right behind us so I got to hold baby Madison while they ate. She has changed a lot in looks since I last saw her, but still looking more and more like her momma. After the dinner Mike's mom and dad met us at the house and we headed to Jake's 3rd birthday party in Tuscumbia. After we got back, Mike and I headed out once again to help out a friend, Kristina with her house. I hated that we had another Sunday of planned events already so I was bound and determined to go there and help for at least a little bit. I ended up painting while Mike helped the guys clear some limbs out before they called it a day.
Correction to my Wednesday Ramblings: The Hornets weren't going to state just yet (then). They had one more game (last Thursday) which they won. Saturday they played for state and WON! Congratulations to the St. Elizabeth Hornets!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wednesday Ramblings

...Work is picking back up again. Except this time it probably won't slow down until June of next year! Yuck! I'll try my best to post as often as I can.
...St. Elizabeth softball is going to state this week! Go Hornets!! Last Saturday they played Naylor here in town, I don't think it was much of a competition since the score ended up 12-1, or something close to that.
...I'm not liking this cold weather. Too bad it couldn't stay in the 70-80s year round. May have to bring out the hot cocoa.
...My electric bill was $51, wish that was the highest it would get year round. Boy, I'm dreaming...
Monday, October 17, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
We got Kittys for supper and stayed in.
Mike had to work again. I think he's getting tired of working so much right now getting ready for a new building while it's so nice out, but at least he has overtime to look forward to. I slept in and cleaned around the house some. It was a very unproductive Saturday morning. That evening we got ready and headed to the wedding reception. Had another nice evening with my Vienna friends.
Mike and I finally got around to trimming our middle bush along the side of the house. It was literally taller than the house, no exaggeration. I had trimmed the other two last spring and couldn't get the middle one finished because our clippers (and I) wasn't strong enough. So at the time it started to get dry/hot out so I figured we will just deal with it until Fall so it won't die. So now you can tell there is TWO windows on that side of the house. lol Around noon we met up with Mike's uncle, his friend Dale, wife Trinda and daughter Tabi to headed to St. Anthony's Fall dinner. It turned out to be the perfect day for it. Came home to plant a few tulip bulbs, trimmed another bush and found a $1 under the leaves. It's the little things that excite me. Fried up some cube steak for supper and ended it with the Housewives of New Jersey.
Sunday seems like a great day in my post, but it turned out to be a very sad day. Later I had learned about the passing of an infant. I don't know the parents that well, but it's a small community so you still know everyone. My hearts breaks for the couple and their little girl who just lost a precious baby boy/brother. Very sad.
We got Kittys for supper and stayed in.
Mike had to work again. I think he's getting tired of working so much right now getting ready for a new building while it's so nice out, but at least he has overtime to look forward to. I slept in and cleaned around the house some. It was a very unproductive Saturday morning. That evening we got ready and headed to the wedding reception. Had another nice evening with my Vienna friends.
Mike and I finally got around to trimming our middle bush along the side of the house. It was literally taller than the house, no exaggeration. I had trimmed the other two last spring and couldn't get the middle one finished because our clippers (and I) wasn't strong enough. So at the time it started to get dry/hot out so I figured we will just deal with it until Fall so it won't die. So now you can tell there is TWO windows on that side of the house. lol Around noon we met up with Mike's uncle, his friend Dale, wife Trinda and daughter Tabi to headed to St. Anthony's Fall dinner. It turned out to be the perfect day for it. Came home to plant a few tulip bulbs, trimmed another bush and found a $1 under the leaves. It's the little things that excite me. Fried up some cube steak for supper and ended it with the Housewives of New Jersey.
Sunday seems like a great day in my post, but it turned out to be a very sad day. Later I had learned about the passing of an infant. I don't know the parents that well, but it's a small community so you still know everyone. My hearts breaks for the couple and their little girl who just lost a precious baby boy/brother. Very sad.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wednesday Ramblings

...Lately I've been straightening the bottom part of my hair then slightly curling the top part with the flat iron. Sure beats spending the extra time to straighten it and doesn't look too bad. I think I may invest in a new curling iron like the one a fellow blogger posted recently. Looks like it would work better - plus no more burning of the fingers from the flat iron.
...My huge mum I bought last week is already starting to die!!! Any suggestions? I've started watering it here and there but at the same time trying not to over water it as well. Hoping it will snap out of it.
...Mike's mom exchanged my camera for me. Hopefully (knock on wood) this lens doesn't do the same thing. Ugh.
...Last week I was sick on Monday and this past Monday I took off, so these three day weekends has been spoiling me!
...Just found out this morning a friend is pregnant! :) Also a girl I work with announced she is pregnant this morning as well. AND Mike's friend, Robby and his wife just had their baby girl, Olivia. A lot of baby news in just one day. lol
...I think from now on I need to start using 2lbs of meat instead of 1 for meatloaf. By the time Mike eats his share and has some for lunch there is NONE left over. That is one item of food, I would love to eat again a day or two later.
...Corrie, a girl I work with is going to the CARDINALS game tonight. So jealous! She was also there last week to witness the famous squirrel. lol
...Here's a fact for the day if you didn't already know this (I sure didn't): Hawaii is moving forward to Japan of the rate of almost 4 inches per year. Came from my Snapple Peach Tea. Which I am now addicted to!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
Mike had to bowl so I just stayed home and caught up on things around the house since I would be gone pretty well all weekend.
Mike had to work and I headed to Old Iron Works Days in St. James for our annual molasses making. The past few years the turn out hasn't been like in years past. With that said, we still couldn't keep molasses on hand long enough. It sells quick! A friend of our family made little bags to put the jars in. It was a big hit with all the customers. I ended up skipping the dinner that the St. James Foundation puts on every year for all the vendors. Came home and went straight to bed.
Sunday was a repeat of Saturday only Mike was able to come as well. Came home to Randy grilling some yummy t-bones and little Ms. Kylie as a spider woman. I should have took a picture of her, she looked cute with her spider face painting she got from the pumpkin patch.
Mike had to bowl so I just stayed home and caught up on things around the house since I would be gone pretty well all weekend.
Mike had to work and I headed to Old Iron Works Days in St. James for our annual molasses making. The past few years the turn out hasn't been like in years past. With that said, we still couldn't keep molasses on hand long enough. It sells quick! A friend of our family made little bags to put the jars in. It was a big hit with all the customers. I ended up skipping the dinner that the St. James Foundation puts on every year for all the vendors. Came home and went straight to bed.
Sunday was a repeat of Saturday only Mike was able to come as well. Came home to Randy grilling some yummy t-bones and little Ms. Kylie as a spider woman. I should have took a picture of her, she looked cute with her spider face painting she got from the pumpkin patch.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Kaleb Russell
Wednesday Ramblings

...Went with mom last night to see my new baby cousin, Kaleb Russell! He is perfect! Big brother just loves his 'Taleb'. I may have to steal the pictures from my mom when she posts since my camera didn't want to coorporate. Yes my new camera! I took tons of pictures of clothes to post online Monday night and it worked fine. Well now the lens is NOT wanting to open at all. I've tried everything. Looks like I will have to be exchanging it.
...With the money I received from selling stuff online, I bought a new pot and a huge mum at Lowe's last night. I love! Now I just need to purchase some pumpkins and I'll be set for Fall.
...It's amazing the difference new tires can make!
...Well so much for trying to get all my Christmas done early. I do have a few things bought but the money situation always gets in the way. Especially with new tires and we need to purchase a Christmas tree. I had went the day after Christmas last year and they were ALL sold out except the cheap-looking trees. I plan to get a good one that will last for years. Plus I'm not into the whole black Friday shopping. Mom and I do go sometimes to just shop/browse, plus it's in the afternoon so we're not that serious on getting those limited bargains.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
Was a nice quiet evening in. Caught up on laundry and some much needed sleep.
Mike and I met a group in Argyle to take a bus to Hermann for Oktoberfest. I don't do well in long rides so nothing to my surprise, I was extremely carsick. Luckily not the projectile type. ;) The day was perfect! I had way more fun than I even anticipated, so glad I decided to go. Pictures to come in a later post.
Slept in then headed to Mike's parents for breakfast/lunch of bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes. Came home to tackle the rest of the laundry and to put roast on. Went to Jeff to grab a few groceries and to exchange a chair. One of our new chairs had a small split in it. They didn't seem too happy with the exchange, but too bad too sad. I'm not paying for something and it being half-as$ed. Came home and headed with Mike's mom to see the wee one. Madison looked so much smaller in person than in her pictures. She definitely looks like her momma.
Was a nice quiet evening in. Caught up on laundry and some much needed sleep.
Mike and I met a group in Argyle to take a bus to Hermann for Oktoberfest. I don't do well in long rides so nothing to my surprise, I was extremely carsick. Luckily not the projectile type. ;) The day was perfect! I had way more fun than I even anticipated, so glad I decided to go. Pictures to come in a later post.
Slept in then headed to Mike's parents for breakfast/lunch of bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes. Came home to tackle the rest of the laundry and to put roast on. Went to Jeff to grab a few groceries and to exchange a chair. One of our new chairs had a small split in it. They didn't seem too happy with the exchange, but too bad too sad. I'm not paying for something and it being half-as$ed. Came home and headed with Mike's mom to see the wee one. Madison looked so much smaller in person than in her pictures. She definitely looks like her momma.
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