Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Wednesday Ramblings

...Mike tried fettucini alfredo the other night and to his surprise he liked it. Too bad I didn't make it sooner for him to try. It's one of my favorites!
...Someone checked in next door. By my reference to check in, I mean the "dead people's hotel", or as everyone knows it as a funeral home. So weird since I was just asked last Friday night if anyone had checked in yet since we moved in and I reassured them that no one has. Well little did I know when I went home that night that there was in fact a person (dead) next door. My family always teases me because my biggest phobia is where a dead body was or is. I can deal with cemeteries, but I cannot deal with the unknown fact that someone could have died or been murdered in a hotel room I would be staying at. Gives me the creeps!
...Well my mom may get her wish and be able to buy my Edge. I'm seriously thinking about going with a gas saver car. Extremely serious. Just not sure I can ultimately say goodbye to my edge and go back to a car. Scary decision let me tell ya. For those who know me, know my mind may change tomorrow. lol But as for now the more I think about the more I am dead set on getting one to save money. Maybe down the road when I get a closer job and more pay I can purchase my dream Edge. That would be VERY far down the road unfortunately.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Have you had your skinny cow today?

Monday, July 25, 2011
Weekend Recap
Friday I ended up working close to 12 hours. Yuck. So I had to miss eating with the girls at the local Eagles. I was so looking forward to it since it's been FOREVER since I've been there. Luckily I was still able to meet up with them and we headed to the local pub where Mike met me later. It was so packed and that evening was not my cup of tea. Some times you got to wonder, are these people ever going to grow up? Amazes me how some have kids and yet they are getting into fights because someone mouthed there truck, etc. - Guess that's my vent for the day, immature people. :) On a good note, I was able to catch up with all my friends and one who just recently got engaged.
Saturday was a lazy lazy day. There was nothing planned, which I loved! I only ventured out of the house to wash my car and to water my flowers. I love our car wash in town. The automatic does a good job compared to any I have ever used here in Rolla. Watched a few movies while doing a little bit of housework. I can't remember which ones I watched besides, Sahara starring Matthew McConaughey. It was a pretty good action movie and a little funny at that. Mike and I laughed a lot watching it.
Sunday was the church picnic at St. Elizabeth. This is definitely where living in town comes in handy. It was a scorcher and we never did get any of the rain that everyone else seemed to get. It did thunder here and there, but that was it. After we ate I signed up to win in the raffle. I was hoping to win the bike or better yet, a $1,000! After that I headed home to enjoy the AC for awhile. Mike's sister came down for a while to cool off so we had a nice visit. Went back to the picnic to watch the quilt auction. Some quits were auctioning off over a $1,000. Interesting to watch since the years before I usually left right before it started. Played Bingo for awhile until I realized there was NO hope in winning. The heat was pretty much miserable to withstand so I decided to head back and enjoy the AC again for the rest of the evening. Mike ended up stayed for the drawing which neither of us won a thing. So much for winning that $1,000. :)
Saturday was a lazy lazy day. There was nothing planned, which I loved! I only ventured out of the house to wash my car and to water my flowers. I love our car wash in town. The automatic does a good job compared to any I have ever used here in Rolla. Watched a few movies while doing a little bit of housework. I can't remember which ones I watched besides, Sahara starring Matthew McConaughey. It was a pretty good action movie and a little funny at that. Mike and I laughed a lot watching it.
Sunday was the church picnic at St. Elizabeth. This is definitely where living in town comes in handy. It was a scorcher and we never did get any of the rain that everyone else seemed to get. It did thunder here and there, but that was it. After we ate I signed up to win in the raffle. I was hoping to win the bike or better yet, a $1,000! After that I headed home to enjoy the AC for awhile. Mike's sister came down for a while to cool off so we had a nice visit. Went back to the picnic to watch the quilt auction. Some quits were auctioning off over a $1,000. Interesting to watch since the years before I usually left right before it started. Played Bingo for awhile until I realized there was NO hope in winning. The heat was pretty much miserable to withstand so I decided to head back and enjoy the AC again for the rest of the evening. Mike ended up stayed for the drawing which neither of us won a thing. So much for winning that $1,000. :)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What a treat!

One of the perks of working here at a newspaper is clients coming in with free treats. With our profiles section coming up, one of the story features is of Heavenly Divine Cakes. They were kind of enough to make these huge cupcakes to hand out to everyone here. I had the cookies and cream cupcake. Oh my, was it delicious! I had to put it in a bowl just to eat it. lol You can find their cupcakes at the Giddy Goat Coffeehouse here in Rolla.

Wednesday Ramblings

...I miss my home. I'm staying all this week at mom and dads since I have to work late. Probably will have to do the same next week and the week after as well since our layout guy is gone on vacation. Looking forward to those pay checks! :)
...Depending on work, Friday I am meeting up with my Vienna girls. Ready to catch up with everyone.
...I love to tan. I don't tan that often, but it is a very good stress reliever from work on my lunch and a good way to catnap! ;)
Monday, July 18, 2011
Weekend Recap
Friday I had to work late so I stopped in to visit with my grandma and grandpa since Mike was playing ball. It was a nice visit with them and grandma sent along with me two jars of homemade jelly, black berry for me and corn cob jelly for Mike. Yep, you read that right, corn cob jelly. Mike loves it, you can't really taste the corn in it. After leaving there I stopped in at mom and dads for a little bit then headed home.
Saturday I finally got to sleep in. Been awhile since I slept in till about 9:30 or so. I'm not a morning person and since living in St. Elizabeth I'm usually up by 7 or 8 which I love. So I guess you can say I've become a morning person. It's nice to get the house all clean by noon or before, leaving the rest of the day to enjoy life. That morning wasn't one of them. lol I played lazy all morning then headed to Mike's mom and dads for lunch then came back home. Spent about 20 minutes outside pulling weeds and called it quits. I couldn't believe how hot it was, the sweat was just rolling down my face and I wasn't even really doing that much. lol Joys of humidity!(NOT) So I ended up doing some major deep cleaning throughout the house and enjoying the AC the rest of the day. :)
Sunday I headed to Mike's parents house for his sister's Jordan Essentials party which was her first party as a consultant. She did a great job and I plan to book a party in the near future. Dropped off Elizabeth and Kylie then headed to my parents house for a BBQ since Mike was still in Eldon playing golf with Matt and Joseph.
My weekend was a nice quiet one spent with family, which is the best!
Saturday I finally got to sleep in. Been awhile since I slept in till about 9:30 or so. I'm not a morning person and since living in St. Elizabeth I'm usually up by 7 or 8 which I love. So I guess you can say I've become a morning person. It's nice to get the house all clean by noon or before, leaving the rest of the day to enjoy life. That morning wasn't one of them. lol I played lazy all morning then headed to Mike's mom and dads for lunch then came back home. Spent about 20 minutes outside pulling weeds and called it quits. I couldn't believe how hot it was, the sweat was just rolling down my face and I wasn't even really doing that much. lol Joys of humidity!(NOT) So I ended up doing some major deep cleaning throughout the house and enjoying the AC the rest of the day. :)
Sunday I headed to Mike's parents house for his sister's Jordan Essentials party which was her first party as a consultant. She did a great job and I plan to book a party in the near future. Dropped off Elizabeth and Kylie then headed to my parents house for a BBQ since Mike was still in Eldon playing golf with Matt and Joseph.
My weekend was a nice quiet one spent with family, which is the best!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Blast from the Past
Thought I would share a little blast from the past since I cannot stop thinking about this drink! Does anyone remember the drink, Orbitz? I know a lot of people didn't like it, but not me. I LOVE it. I liked sipping it leaving the flavored balls for last since they were my favorite. Too bad they don't still make it. Didn't seem like it was out very long, I only remember drinking the red kind.

Wednesday Ramblings

...I think I found my DREAM job. I would love to work for a magazine business like the one that published Jeff City Magazine. I love how my work looks in glossy productions, but it's not close to home. I checked into it and it's based out of a company in Columbia. Realistically even if I did try and got hired there, I don't think I would ultimately like it. It's a stressful, time consuming job. So ready for a job change. Just not sure where or when or even what. I've looked into a few jobs but there is NO way I can drop my pay by $3 or so. Not worth it. In the meantime I did subscribe to the Jeff City magazine. I love getting fresh/new/unique advertisement ideas from other sources.
...Sometimes I wonder why I am such a procrastinator when it comes to my health, etc. For instance I am LONG overdue for an eye appointment to get new contacts and I still don't foresee this happening in the near future. When it comes to stuff around the house for example the dish soap getting half empty, then I panic and get a new bottle the next day for when I do run out. Not like I use that much soap, but it makes me feel better knowing there is extra for when I do - even if that is a month or so down the road. Makes no sense to me how my little brain works. lol
...Just found out a few weeks ago that a girl I work with sells Scentsy. Yay! Just in time because last night both the bulbs in my warmers went out!
...What also went out last night was our dishwasher! So much for saving money. Oh the joys of owning a home. At least we have a temporary dishwasher (me) until it's fixed or a new one is purchased.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Weekend Recap
Friday I stopped in at mom and dads to mow their yard for them. First time mowing for the year, I sure didn't miss it. :) Dad had been sick the week before with bronchitis/pneumonia and this week he's been busy in the hay field. Mom fixed supper then I headed home.
Saturday I cleaned around the house then headed to Mike's mom and dads for lunch. Later that afternoon Mike and I headed to Blake's birthday party. Kids had fun playing on the slip n slide and trampoline.
I got my pillows in last week. The quality of the pillows isn't the greatest. I thought about taking them back, but I do like how they look in the living room. Still undecided since the tags are still on them. lol
Sunday I headed to mom and dad's to meet mom so we could attend a birthday party for her distant cousin and step-dad. There was a lot of people there and very very hot. Luckily for the kids they had a water balloon set up. I almost tried it out, looked fun and would of been a good cool off from the heat. That evening mom had her Sunday evening dinner minus Chad and Mike.
Zach waiting on a water balloon to come his way.
Ashlyne loaded up with water balloons. Didn't realize until it was already uploaded that I have a butt shot of Ashlyne. Sorry.
Elizabeth taking aim.
Saturday I cleaned around the house then headed to Mike's mom and dads for lunch. Later that afternoon Mike and I headed to Blake's birthday party. Kids had fun playing on the slip n slide and trampoline.
I got my pillows in last week. The quality of the pillows isn't the greatest. I thought about taking them back, but I do like how they look in the living room. Still undecided since the tags are still on them. lol
Sunday I headed to mom and dad's to meet mom so we could attend a birthday party for her distant cousin and step-dad. There was a lot of people there and very very hot. Luckily for the kids they had a water balloon set up. I almost tried it out, looked fun and would of been a good cool off from the heat. That evening mom had her Sunday evening dinner minus Chad and Mike.
Zach waiting on a water balloon to come his way.
Ashlyne loaded up with water balloons. Didn't realize until it was already uploaded that I have a butt shot of Ashlyne. Sorry.
Elizabeth taking aim.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wednesday Ramblings

...Having Blake and Nathan withdrawals. :) Celebrating Blake's birthday this weekend. Can't believe the little guy is going to be 6 already. Nathan calls Mike, More. Cute.
...One of my favorite snacks is peanut butter with honey mixed in it. It's as close as I can get to the schools, plus it's healthy for ya. Anyone know the recipe to make it like the schools?
...I bought Secret Clinical deodorant last week. Thanks girls for your input. It works great. Now if I can just resolve the white residue on the shirts so I can wear my dark sleeveless work shirts.
...I haven't been much of a dress wearer, but I recently ordered two from Body Central on sale. May wear one to a wedding in September. I usually think I look like a little girl in dresses since I'm short. So I'm hoping this silly thought will go out the window and I can look my age, well minus a couple of years. ;) I still feel (want to be) like I am 23. I never got used to the ages 24, 25 and now 26 come this September. Oh boy. The joys of getting older. Time flies.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Weekend Recap
Friday we went to Kittys to visit with a few locals then headed home early.
Saturday we went down to Mike's mom and dads for fried fish and all the fixings. It was his parents' 34th wedding anniversary. Had a nice visit despite the rising temperatures. It was a hot one! Came home to enjoy the air and cleaned around the house.
Sunday we went to Mike's mom and dads for dinner and that evening we had supper at his aunt Delores' house to celebrate his grandma's birthday, which was also on Saturday. With the storm moving in it made for a nice evening outside. So cool outside and I loved it! :) After wards we headed to St. Anthony with Randy, Elizabeth and Kylie to watch fireworks at the park. Ms. Kylie is quite the little talker and a goofy one at that. She kept us entertained the whole way there. I was so glad I changed into jeans and brought a hoodie. I was freezing! Fireworks were very good and lasted a lot longer than I thought they would. Ended just in time, as soon as we left the rain started in.
Monday we headed to my great aunt Jessie's for a Fourth of July celebration that goes on every year. There was so much food. Just in meat there was deer, fried fish, BBQ pork steaks, bratwurst, hotdogs, and fried chicken. Even though we don't get to see everyone but maybe once a year at this gathering, we are all still very close. It's nice that my dads aunts are still able to get together with their health to make it a special day for everyone.
Hope everyone had a great fourth of July!
- So far I haven't received a phone call to tell me I won the 2011 Mustang. I think they lost my number? :(
Saturday we went down to Mike's mom and dads for fried fish and all the fixings. It was his parents' 34th wedding anniversary. Had a nice visit despite the rising temperatures. It was a hot one! Came home to enjoy the air and cleaned around the house.
Sunday we went to Mike's mom and dads for dinner and that evening we had supper at his aunt Delores' house to celebrate his grandma's birthday, which was also on Saturday. With the storm moving in it made for a nice evening outside. So cool outside and I loved it! :) After wards we headed to St. Anthony with Randy, Elizabeth and Kylie to watch fireworks at the park. Ms. Kylie is quite the little talker and a goofy one at that. She kept us entertained the whole way there. I was so glad I changed into jeans and brought a hoodie. I was freezing! Fireworks were very good and lasted a lot longer than I thought they would. Ended just in time, as soon as we left the rain started in.
Monday we headed to my great aunt Jessie's for a Fourth of July celebration that goes on every year. There was so much food. Just in meat there was deer, fried fish, BBQ pork steaks, bratwurst, hotdogs, and fried chicken. Even though we don't get to see everyone but maybe once a year at this gathering, we are all still very close. It's nice that my dads aunts are still able to get together with their health to make it a special day for everyone.
Hope everyone had a great fourth of July!
- So far I haven't received a phone call to tell me I won the 2011 Mustang. I think they lost my number? :(
Friday, July 1, 2011
Crossing my fingers and toes
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