...I've finally got used to the new blogger and love it. The first time I tried it a few months back I was in a hurry with getting a post done and the new interface was frustrating me and I just didn't have the time to figure it out. I like how you can now make a picture bigger after you upload it and you can browse and upload pictures you've used before on your blog.
...I am the world's worst for getting up in the morning. I have the alarm set on my phone which that time is ten minutes faster and another alarm on my nightstand which is the correct time. Both are set to go off an hour before I have to get up. I press the snooze on both of them for that long. lol Pathetic I know. And yet, I manage to get up on the weekend around 7 with no problem and no alarm.
...Hoping the rain holds off on Friday so we can finish up our pictures in Westphalia with Christina. Plus I'm looking forward to a day off even though I took a non paid day. But if it rains I will come to work. :( I think? lol I sure could sure a break from this place.
...Mike has discovered the love for snaps. I bought him two snap shirts for pictures. He never knew they existed until now. Oh he lived such a shelter life! Ha!
...Loving the weather the past few weeks. I like it when it's slightly chilly and when I get in my car it's all nice and toasty from the sun shining in. No need for air or heat to be on. :)
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Bubble gum
We played one game while we were waiting for our food at the Horny Toad.
Casey's sister, Kelly had questions typed up that Jeremie (Casey's
fiance) answered and Casey had to guess what he would have said. If she
missed a question, she had to pop in a piece of bubble gum. There was
roughly about 30 questions and of that 30 she guessed maybe 5 right.
Needless to say, she had a huge mouth full!
Making room for another piece of bubble gum. |
Finished! Casey was a trooper! Too bad I didn't get a picture of the two wads of bubble gum she pulled out of her mouth. lol |
Weekend Wrap Up
Stayed home.
Went to Mike's mom and dads for lunch. Came home, did some cleaning then got ready for a night out. Meet the bachelorette, Casey and the girls at Kelly's house then we headed to the lake. I was glad Lindsay was coming back home so I rode with her along with Kacey. We ate at the Horny Toad, the food was really good. Still thinking about those delicious sweet potato fries, they were the best I ever had. After our meal we headed off to the bowling alley. I did horrible! 8 pins by the third frame! LOL My shoes were different than everyone else (thanks to my small feet) and the bottom was super slick making me almost do the splits every time. Once I realized I should just walk up, stand still then throw, I started doing so much better. Played one game then we headed home where the rest of the girls went out.
Slept in and got myself ready for pictures! There was no clouds in the forecast for Sunday when I check so I wasn't about to let that ruin my picture day. :) Met Amie at the old jail for our engagement pictures and a few family pictures of my side of the family. Her kiddos kept us entertained and smiling the whole time. I feel like we are going to get some really good pictures. I will post one for sure next week when I get them. Haven't decided if I want to post all now since we're using some for invitations, programs and guest book. Once pictures were done, we headed to Morelands for a late lunch/early dinner. I got the Fettucini Alfredo with chicken. It was about four meals into one. So I have plenty for leftovers and as I am typing this I realized I left it at home! Sigh. Came home and took a nap. Been forever since I had done that but I haven't been sleeping good for some reason and it shows on me... bags under my eyes even today. :(
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Wednesday Ramblings

...Looking forward to some girl time this weekend with my Vienna girls. Going to the lake for Casey's bachelorette party. I'm glad a couple of the girls are coming back that night so I can tag along with either one since the next day is picture time!
...I think I have literally hit a drove-myself-wedding-nuts limit! I need a do over wedding with I should have done this instead! LOL I'm sure my parents would go for that. Yea right! :)
...Had a nice meal last night for Todd's 31st birthday at mom and dads. Steak, fried potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, green peppers, onions and a salad. Very very good! Topped it off with an ice cream cake from DQ!
...A lady my mom used to work with gave her this spicey sauce from Malaysia. It was soo good and something my dad and I talk about time to time about how we missed it. Well... my mom was able to contact that lady and got a bottle! Oh how I have missed it. Missed it so much in fact that I still don't know the name of it. lol My cousin, Ashlyne thought I was crazy by saying it smelled and tasted exactly how I remembered it. It's been about 10 years since I had it last. lol
...Speaking of food, I really miss La Posada here in Rolla. It was my fav!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Weekend Wrap Up
A nice quiet evening at home. Nothing planned which I loved!
I ended up canceling our pictures due to the rain. Of course, after an hour it started clearing up. lol Just our luck! Did some much needed cleaning around the house. That evening Mike and I headed with Aaron, Andrea, Randy and Elizabeth to Columbia. Stopped at Bass Pro before heading over to eat at Flat Branch Pub & Brewing. Everyone's food was good except mine. I decided to try something out of my comfort zone and went with Smoked Salmon Pasta. It tasted like a hotdog. It wasn't too bad, it was good for a hotdog anyway! lol Wasn't ready to go home just yet so we stopped at Jeff City to go to the downtown bars. We knew quite a few people at J. Pfennys. It was a little awkward not knowing how to act or anything around a girl who just lost a sweet baby girl. But at least she was in good spirits and enjoying some girl time with friends. Ended up being too packed for us so we headed to the new Spectators where we played darts for awhile then over to Bones to listen to the live music out on the patio. Took a little detour on our way home to see a house of some people we know. All I can say is WOW! We just did a drive by. Even have a pool house, it's probably the size of my house. lol It was nice to get out of our little St. E environment for the night. Was home and in bed by 11! Can you say getting old? lol
I wasn't feeling the greatest so I skipped church. I think between stress and allergies, my body had enough. Went to Mike's mom and dads for dinner. Mike's uncle Lawerence lost his wife to cancer last year so he is usually there on weekends in time for a home cooked meal. He's became a regular for family dinners. That afternoon I headed over to Argyle for a friend's bridal shower. Made Parmesan chicken for supper and stayed warm the rest of the evening on such a cold, wet dreary day.
A nice quiet evening at home. Nothing planned which I loved!
I ended up canceling our pictures due to the rain. Of course, after an hour it started clearing up. lol Just our luck! Did some much needed cleaning around the house. That evening Mike and I headed with Aaron, Andrea, Randy and Elizabeth to Columbia. Stopped at Bass Pro before heading over to eat at Flat Branch Pub & Brewing. Everyone's food was good except mine. I decided to try something out of my comfort zone and went with Smoked Salmon Pasta. It tasted like a hotdog. It wasn't too bad, it was good for a hotdog anyway! lol Wasn't ready to go home just yet so we stopped at Jeff City to go to the downtown bars. We knew quite a few people at J. Pfennys. It was a little awkward not knowing how to act or anything around a girl who just lost a sweet baby girl. But at least she was in good spirits and enjoying some girl time with friends. Ended up being too packed for us so we headed to the new Spectators where we played darts for awhile then over to Bones to listen to the live music out on the patio. Took a little detour on our way home to see a house of some people we know. All I can say is WOW! We just did a drive by. Even have a pool house, it's probably the size of my house. lol It was nice to get out of our little St. E environment for the night. Was home and in bed by 11! Can you say getting old? lol
I wasn't feeling the greatest so I skipped church. I think between stress and allergies, my body had enough. Went to Mike's mom and dads for dinner. Mike's uncle Lawerence lost his wife to cancer last year so he is usually there on weekends in time for a home cooked meal. He's became a regular for family dinners. That afternoon I headed over to Argyle for a friend's bridal shower. Made Parmesan chicken for supper and stayed warm the rest of the evening on such a cold, wet dreary day.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Wednesday Ramblings

...We will be getting two sets of engagement pictures taken. lol I thought I could get the price of our package down by getting them done else where. When we met with our photographer, she mentioned it was included as a complimentary gift from her. Might as well since we are paying the same price anyway. Plus it will be a good way for her to get to know us better before the big day!
...I have a wedding shower for a friend on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Little sad I can't stay very long due to my aunts wedding. It's at a winery. On a Sunday. Enough said.
...REALLY hoping gas prices will go down soon! Right now it's costing me about $120 a week. Yuck!
...After watching an episode of the Real Housewives of Orange County(I'm a Real Housewives junkie, except I don't like the New York version), the first thing I will do when I win the lottery is get a nose job and sinus' removed. No joke! When I was little I hit my nose when vacationing at the Lake of the Ozarks on a jungle gym bar. It seemed to be bruised forever! Well a few years ago when I went for my allergies with Dr. Krenning here in Rolla, she stated it was cleared I fractured my nose in the past and my air passage is a little blocked. That is the only time I really hit it hard, but at the time didn't think I hit it hard enough to fracture it. I always say I have a butt nose and I HATE my side profile. So much in fact, that I am debating on wearing my hair down for the wedding just so I won't feel so insecure about it. I know that even with my hair down you will still see my side profile, guess it's my security blanket. Just ask my family, I've always been paranoid about my nose! Now to win the lotto!!!
...For the past two years, Mike has bought me clothes for Christmas from the Buckle. I never shop at the Buckle simply because they HOUND the CRAP out of you. I like to browse on my own and I know what I like or don't like, not some sales person who knows nothing about me. I have been struggling with jean purchases, the so called 31" length some how increases by the time I get home. Even too long to wear with heels and I even tried them on in the store! lol Yes, I am that short. A little over 5'1 in fact. Back to the drawing board with a pair of jeans, this will be the FOURTH time of exchanging. lol Wouldn't be so bad but every time the sales person makes me feel guilty literally for taking back an item my fiance (still not used to calling him that) originally bought for me. Does anyone else have this problem with this store? I give.
...I was very happy to hear my new hometown had a meeting about noise nuisances. I understand that kids will be kids, heck I used to think it was cool to rev up your engine, etc. It has became a huge problem when these noises are pretty well in one area, by Father Ben's house and God's house almost every night of the week. Very very disrespectful. Usually once a month there is also several marks from tire burning there as well. I'll be glad when I come home in the evenings to see a cop in town because I will know the problem will be taken care of. For now anyway.
...Mike is always doing a load of laundry at least 2-3 times a week before I get home. It's nice of him to do so, but he cramps everything in and uses way too much detergent. At least it's just his clothes. This past weekend I bought Tide pods just for him to use. This way he can't use too much laundry detergent. lol
Monday, April 9, 2012
Weekend Wrap Up
I had to work late yet again. Went grocery shopping then headed home. As I was putting away groceries, I had a knock at the door. It was little Ms. Kylie. She had to come tell me all about her and grandma Laverne making chocolate chip cookies. I think she grows every time I see her. Mike went crappie fishing Friday so we went over to the Fisher residence up the street and had fried crappie and frog legs. Kylie and Landyn kept us all entertained for the evening.
Saturday I cleaned the house then headed off to Jeff. I am so glad I don't work in Jeff City, especially right now with having to cut through gravel roads since Meta bridge is being replaced. I spent way too much money on Mike and I for a few outfits for our engagement pictures. Oh well at least we both like everything I bought. Only live once, right?! :) Came home and played lazy until Mike got home. I am about tired of these daily sinus headaches, sure make a person feel run down. After Mike got back, I was feeling much better so I went with him to his dad and uncles new farm. The land was where Mike grew up and just this year, they were able to buy it back. I sat with Mike's dad, Frankie while Mike finished discing the field. By hearing his stories you could tell he was sure proud of that land and wishing they would have never sold it to begin with.
Went to Mike's grandma Luebberts before church. Lisa met us there to ride with us to church along with Jr. Father Ben's mother was in church. At the end of mass, he had her stand up so he could introduce her to everyone. Not like no one could tell who she was. lol She was dressed head to toe in her Nigerian attire. She seems like a very nice lady.
After church we headed to Mike's mom and dads house for Easter with both the Luebberts and Holtmeyer families. Most of the Holtmeyer side I have never met or only met once at Lisa's graduation which was 3 years ago. It was a big day for Mike's grandma, Ruby Holtmeyer as she celebrated her 90th birthday! I hope I can live to be as long as her and still live in my own house. When her health is down she does stay at the nursing home but it's usually for a couple weeks about 2-3 times out of a year. After the cake was cut and pictures took we headed out to my families' Easter. Just about everyone was gone but I was still able to give Kara her baby gift along with seeing the little ones. It's been since Christmas since I saw baby Kaleb along with Kaden. My dads first cousin had brought his baby boy, Grayson down. Come to find out he was born the same day as Kaleb.
Hope everyone had a happy, blessed Easter!
I had to work late yet again. Went grocery shopping then headed home. As I was putting away groceries, I had a knock at the door. It was little Ms. Kylie. She had to come tell me all about her and grandma Laverne making chocolate chip cookies. I think she grows every time I see her. Mike went crappie fishing Friday so we went over to the Fisher residence up the street and had fried crappie and frog legs. Kylie and Landyn kept us all entertained for the evening.
Saturday I cleaned the house then headed off to Jeff. I am so glad I don't work in Jeff City, especially right now with having to cut through gravel roads since Meta bridge is being replaced. I spent way too much money on Mike and I for a few outfits for our engagement pictures. Oh well at least we both like everything I bought. Only live once, right?! :) Came home and played lazy until Mike got home. I am about tired of these daily sinus headaches, sure make a person feel run down. After Mike got back, I was feeling much better so I went with him to his dad and uncles new farm. The land was where Mike grew up and just this year, they were able to buy it back. I sat with Mike's dad, Frankie while Mike finished discing the field. By hearing his stories you could tell he was sure proud of that land and wishing they would have never sold it to begin with.
Went to Mike's grandma Luebberts before church. Lisa met us there to ride with us to church along with Jr. Father Ben's mother was in church. At the end of mass, he had her stand up so he could introduce her to everyone. Not like no one could tell who she was. lol She was dressed head to toe in her Nigerian attire. She seems like a very nice lady.
After church we headed to Mike's mom and dads house for Easter with both the Luebberts and Holtmeyer families. Most of the Holtmeyer side I have never met or only met once at Lisa's graduation which was 3 years ago. It was a big day for Mike's grandma, Ruby Holtmeyer as she celebrated her 90th birthday! I hope I can live to be as long as her and still live in my own house. When her health is down she does stay at the nursing home but it's usually for a couple weeks about 2-3 times out of a year. After the cake was cut and pictures took we headed out to my families' Easter. Just about everyone was gone but I was still able to give Kara her baby gift along with seeing the little ones. It's been since Christmas since I saw baby Kaleb along with Kaden. My dads first cousin had brought his baby boy, Grayson down. Come to find out he was born the same day as Kaleb.
Hope everyone had a happy, blessed Easter!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Wednesday Ramblings

...Easter Sunday is Mike's grandma Ruby's 90th birthday and her wedding anniversary. So I will have to miss my families Easter for the first time ever. Hoping we can sneak away later on so I can at least attend my cousins baby shower. It's a surprise to her, she just thinks she is coming for Easter. Little does she know...
...Mom and I met with the local florist yesterday for the wedding. I thought I knew what I wanted, but now I am back to square one. :( Pretty well everything I wanted was either unavailable that time of the year or it wouldn't last through the wedding without wilting.
...This Friday I am finally getting an eye exam. About time! Finally found someone who can take my insurance.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Weekend Wrap Up
I stopped in to visit with grandma and grandpa. Grandma's last living sibling passed away last week. Hard to see your grandma in so much pain, but I am very grateful she she is the last one living in her family. Before heading home I stopped at mom and dads to get mushrooms. For once, dad didn't cook them for me. lol This never happens, he is the mushroom cook in the family so he sent them along with me clean and in a baggy. Mike went to keep score at the bowling alley so I stayed home to do a little cleaning and laundry. I was just about to go to bed, when I hear knocking, banging, pounding, etc at the back door. It was Joeseph (Mike's sister, Lisa's boyfriend and yep, his name is spelled with an extra "e"). He was insisting I get out of the house and go with him to meet Lisa. He was very persuasive, but I opt out. lol
I tried to sleep in since I had nothing planned. Didn't happen. I was up at 7. Mike and Randy had unplugged the deep freeze the day before in our shed so I could clean it out. It smelled horrible and there was LOTS of blood to get out. Used way too much bleach, but at least we have a clean sanitized freezer! lol Last Summer I started painting my garage so I had all intentions of finishing it. Well the paint was no longer good, so much for that idea. So instead I swept the basement floor. This hasn't been done since we moved in so it was very filthy.
Mike came home later from working on their farm. We headed to get the four wheeler and took it for a ride making a circle on the county roads by his parents house. Ended up at Alphonse's house and stayed for 2 hours. He's always a talker and of course his wife, Brenda had lots of wedding questions to ask me since their daughter just got engaged last week. After we left we headed to a fish fry where Mike's dad was cooking. We were both not ready to go home so we ended up stopping at Mike's mom and dads to mow their grass. I took the lawn mower while Mike used the weed eater. Mike's dad planted wheat this year where their garden was located at. Mike never said anything about not mowing it so I did. lol Wasn't suppose to but his dad didn't care just glad I mowed it for them. Came home and I fried up the mushrooms while Mike cooked some t-bones. Not the healthiest of meals, but it was sure tasty and I got my yearly fix on fried mushrooms. :)
I didn't end up going to church with Mike. Mike washed all our vehicles at the car wash including his moms. I stayed back to clean Mike's garage. It was still too nice to stay at home so we headed to Jr's lake to fish. Didn't have very good luck of any keepers. A friend of Mike and Randy's, Lonnie came down to kill some time as well. Ended up taking his Jeep for a spin to look at the river and just for a nice Sunday drive. I was covered head to toe in dust from the gravel roads. lol Came home and took a much needed shower then it hit me. I felt like crap with my sinus, allergies, or whatever it was. Guess I shouldn't have went for that Sunday dust drive after all. Had the windows open all weekend as well so I'm sure that played a role into my allergies. So needless to say we shut the windows and turned the air on. I was trying to not turn it on until May unless the weather reached 90 or so. After dealing with this crap for the past month or so, the air is staying on. :/
I stopped in to visit with grandma and grandpa. Grandma's last living sibling passed away last week. Hard to see your grandma in so much pain, but I am very grateful she she is the last one living in her family. Before heading home I stopped at mom and dads to get mushrooms. For once, dad didn't cook them for me. lol This never happens, he is the mushroom cook in the family so he sent them along with me clean and in a baggy. Mike went to keep score at the bowling alley so I stayed home to do a little cleaning and laundry. I was just about to go to bed, when I hear knocking, banging, pounding, etc at the back door. It was Joeseph (Mike's sister, Lisa's boyfriend and yep, his name is spelled with an extra "e"). He was insisting I get out of the house and go with him to meet Lisa. He was very persuasive, but I opt out. lol
I tried to sleep in since I had nothing planned. Didn't happen. I was up at 7. Mike and Randy had unplugged the deep freeze the day before in our shed so I could clean it out. It smelled horrible and there was LOTS of blood to get out. Used way too much bleach, but at least we have a clean sanitized freezer! lol Last Summer I started painting my garage so I had all intentions of finishing it. Well the paint was no longer good, so much for that idea. So instead I swept the basement floor. This hasn't been done since we moved in so it was very filthy.
Mike came home later from working on their farm. We headed to get the four wheeler and took it for a ride making a circle on the county roads by his parents house. Ended up at Alphonse's house and stayed for 2 hours. He's always a talker and of course his wife, Brenda had lots of wedding questions to ask me since their daughter just got engaged last week. After we left we headed to a fish fry where Mike's dad was cooking. We were both not ready to go home so we ended up stopping at Mike's mom and dads to mow their grass. I took the lawn mower while Mike used the weed eater. Mike's dad planted wheat this year where their garden was located at. Mike never said anything about not mowing it so I did. lol Wasn't suppose to but his dad didn't care just glad I mowed it for them. Came home and I fried up the mushrooms while Mike cooked some t-bones. Not the healthiest of meals, but it was sure tasty and I got my yearly fix on fried mushrooms. :)
I didn't end up going to church with Mike. Mike washed all our vehicles at the car wash including his moms. I stayed back to clean Mike's garage. It was still too nice to stay at home so we headed to Jr's lake to fish. Didn't have very good luck of any keepers. A friend of Mike and Randy's, Lonnie came down to kill some time as well. Ended up taking his Jeep for a spin to look at the river and just for a nice Sunday drive. I was covered head to toe in dust from the gravel roads. lol Came home and took a much needed shower then it hit me. I felt like crap with my sinus, allergies, or whatever it was. Guess I shouldn't have went for that Sunday dust drive after all. Had the windows open all weekend as well so I'm sure that played a role into my allergies. So needless to say we shut the windows and turned the air on. I was trying to not turn it on until May unless the weather reached 90 or so. After dealing with this crap for the past month or so, the air is staying on. :/
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