Friday I went to watch Mike bowl his last game of the season, now it's on to slow pitch! Oh how it never ends! ;) Dad's cousin Mark and his friend Susie had came down from Illinois to clean his mom's grave and to visit. They ended up staying the night.
Saturday I headed home early since Mike had a slow pitch tournament in Meta and Nathan was coming to the house while his mommy was in a wedding that day. Dad and Mark had went to pick up Nathan and found 45 mushrooms so we had fried moral mushrooms for breakfast!! I love SPRING!! That afternoon mom's cousin Ron and his wife Martha from Oregon came down to visit with the family. The last time Ron was down was in 1990 for Molasses, I remember it so well. I sat there by my mommy wondering who in the world is this guy my mom is talking to, I had thought he was her boyfriend! lol Spent the rest of the day/evening visiting with extended family and playing with Nathan, he's such a good baby and so easy to watch. Saturday was Todd's 29th birthday!
Sunday got up early to make my dish for our cousin party/reunion at our house. I made Dorito Salad again, I think it's expected from now on to always have it. Goes over really well, not to mention very easy to make! Grandma was still in the hospital due to multiple blood clots in her lungs
she is home now and doing much better, thank you for your thoughts and prayers so she was unable to attend. It was such a shame since she is the last living aunt on her side of the family, and since her nephew Ron was down just for the weekend. We had a nice time visiting with everyone. Mike and I played HORSE, PIG, RAT, EAR (Lizzie's Initials), TOAD... whatever Liz and Zach could come up with in basketball. By that time my allergies were killing me so much, my eyes were very blurry and sneezing a lot. I will be glad when this pollen season is over!
Monday was mom's 53rd birthday. That evening we ate at Randy's Roadkill and BBQ for both mom and Todd's birthdays.
This weekend I have Blake. I'm not sure who is more excited us or him. He gets to go see Mite's(Mike's) Farm, his uncles baby Turtees(Turkeys), and possibly go fishing if it doesn't rain. I'm not even sure if Blake still pronounces his C's and K's as T's. We think it's cute lingo and its sort of stuck with us.