I can't remember what I did. I think we just stayed home. lol
Mom and Shelley met me at the house and we headed to the Lake for shopping. I took a differnt way to the Lake this time and I was missing out. Much much better drive going through Ulman and ended up at 42 Hwy in Brumley than the Tuscumbia way. My cousin Tyler had his challenger in the car show so we attempted to make it over there. It was bumper to bumper so we turned around. At least he posted a picture so we didn't entirely miss it! :) Love love his car!

I was so disappointed in Evergreens. I did buy a lantern on sale since it had one piece of glass missing and come to find out the same lantern was at Marshall's for the same price and it had all the glass panes in it. Go figure! Ate lunch at Vista Grande Mexican Restaurant. I always loved their food and well this was the one time it was just okay. So much for bragging about it to Shelley. lol This car was in the parking lot. You may not be able to see it from the picture but the rims had $100 bills on it. It was an interesting car to say the least.
Spent way too much at Maurices, but it was well worth it. Got a few tops for work, a skirt and dressy capris.
Went to church with Mike and Jr. After church Randy, Elizabeth and Kylie rode with us to St. Anthony's dinner. It was good as always and we stayed after the dinner so Kylie could play and get her face painted with Madeline. Later on Mike and I headed to the farm to check on his dads progress with planting corn. It was a nice day out but entirely too hot. I'm not ready for it to be this hot yet! lol Mike was going to have to rake hay so I went ahead and headed back home. Cleaned the house and had pizza for supper.