I believe this is my first weekend without Mike since we've been dating. Mike had a guys weekend fishing up at Truman.
Friday I met Malinda at her house and we headed to El Jimador's for a friends birthday. We had a great time/visit even though there was just six of us that showed up. Headed home after we got back and watched HGTV shows with Mom.
Saturday Mom and I headed to Jeff to do some shopping. We hit up several stores, mom found about everything she had on her "want" list, but my list came up empty handed. It never fails, when I am willing to pay pay pay, I can never find a single thing. We ate at Chili's, our food was okay. I've had better there. On the way back home we decided we weren't really wanting to go home just yet so we made a trip into Rolla to Fashion Bug and Wal-Mart. Fashion Bug isn't what it used to be, it used to have nothing but junior clothing, now it's just misses and older lady clothes. Stopped through the drive thru to get a milkshake at Dairy Queen then headed home. Started to do some cleaning, but just wanted to be lazy since we were on the go all day.
Sunday I went to church with mom then headed to St. Elizabeth to meet Mike. Had a nice day riding the four wheeler and watching them haul hay. Ate dinner at his house then headed back to my house. Finished up my laundry and called it a night.
This week
Going to get my dress altered tonight for Lindsay's wedding. I'm a little hesitant about getting it done with the wedding three weekends away but I know my mom's friend, Susan can get it done in no time.
Tomorrow I had scheduled to get an allergy test done. I was excited and anxious to get it done, three sinus infections so far this year is no fun at all. Come to find out my insurance deductible would've been $1,000 so no thank you! I will just deal with it for now or until I can get a better insurance company in the future.
Wednesday - Will probably be working in the yard helping my mom and dad get everything ready for mom's class reunion on Saturday. Maybe get in some pool time.
Thursday - Finally getting the brown put back in my hair and getting it trimmed. After getting the Brazilian Blowout it took away the coloring and made it a little orangy/red. Speaking of Brazilian Blowout, I still love it! I was having problems with the shampoo and it always made my hair feel dirty and grungy after washing it. Tried some new shampoo samples Trina sent home and it worked. I was so happy and told my mom I finally have my hair back to life. Definitely will be buying the other shampoo this Thursday!
Friday - Mike is playing in St. Elizabeth's coed tournament. Sure wish the weather would be cool like it was last year for it, but I know we won't get that lucky.