After work Friday I did my usual routine. Get ready, pack then head to Mike's house for the weekend. We met a friend of mine and her boyfriend at a local restaurant/bar to eat. It was a good time and enjoyed the rest of the evening catching up with old friends. As you get older your life changes in so many ways... I spend the majority of my time with Mike and his friends. Which I can't complain they are great and very nice/welcoming, but you tend to diminish your relationships with your friends you grew up with. I plan to change this and try to do more things with them and their boyfriends/husbands.
Saturday evening Mike and I went to his bowling meeting. Sounds like fun, ehh? At least I wasn't the only girl and once the meeting was over, it was time to eat. It's tradition that every year the winners from the past bowling season prepares the meal for the next season's meeting. It was all very good... had BBQ pork steaks, potatoes, corn, salad, etc. Afterwards we left with another couple, Aaron and Andrea then headed to a wedding dance in Meta.

On Sunday I left for home. I had planned on going to church but decided to take a nap since I had a bad migraine. I need to set a goal and go to church more often. Staying at Mike's on the weekends I usually end up not making it back in time for my church. My goal is to get up earlier on Sundays to make it in time for my church or if not then stay later at Mike's and go to church with him. Sunday afternoon Mike came over and we headed to Walmart. That evening we watch a movie, I Love You, Man. It was a good comedy, but wasn't as funny as I had thought it would've been.