Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday Ramblings

...Used to my monthly (well maybe 3 times a month) treat was Subway, lately it's been Arby's Pecan Chicken Wrap. Love! 

...Grandma is still in the hospital. Sure hope her body will be able to form scar tissue so fluid will stop going into her heart and lungs. I couldn't believe the briefcase like container that was filled up just in an hour or so on Tuesday morning. 

...My new bridesmaid/cousin, Kara needed someone to watch her baby while she works. So Saturday I'm on Parker duty all afternoon and evening. I'm sure he won't be spoiled at all! :)

...I posted awhile back we had our readings/vows/prayers picked out. That post was typed up two days prior and we had all intentions to get it done that week and I forgot I put it on there until a week later. I can say it is finally done as of this week. Hallelujah! Now we just need to work on finishing up our songs asap so our singer/guitarist can practice with the organist. The organist is the same one who played for Mike's mom and dads wedding.

...Just found out this week, Mike's mom got ready in our house for her wedding. Our house was first owned by one of Mike's uncles if I remember correctly. From there it's been a first home for 3 other families who will all be at the wedding. The third owner's son, Carson is also going to be a server in our wedding. 

...Can't believe the wedding is just a little over a month away.

...Not ready for the wedding to be here just yet, but at the same time I'm ready for it to be over with. So tired of being broke. :) 

...Trying to stay away from soda for awhile until the wedding. I already have problems with my face and body swelling/bloating up on a daily basis due to health reasons so this just adds to the pile. Right now I've been on a V8 V-Fusion Pomegrante Blueberry kick.

...Hoping to get the rest of my thank you's done this weekend before more pile on. :)

...Won't be long before one of my bestie's has her baby in a few weeks. I passed a message along to baby Otto that I will be in town next Wednesday if he or she wants to come out then. :) So excited!! 

...Mike is on the baked potato and mexican food bandwagon. lol At the Fishers on Saturday night they had baked potatoes so Mike tried one, he loved it with ranch dressing. Tuesday night I was a lazy cook and made a Mexican meal. It was one of those cheap just throw together and pop in the oven kind with meat included. One of those things you wonder why you bought it just because it was on sale and planned to toss it straight to the trash. :) I didn't care for it and Mike ate the whole thing! lol After he was done, I said you do realize you ate rice and loved it, right? He didn't even pay any attention to rice even being in it. Uh it was the main thing in the dish besides the small amount they call hamburger. LOL

...Finally met with Fr. Ben Nwosu last night. He's such a funny guy. I was trying to figure out why he was asking me if we had keys before the marriage, I was about to say yes with unsure as to why he was asking that or what he meant. Luckily Mike spoke up and said no we don't have any kids. Keys, kids, oh boy! Other than that misunderstanding I could understand with everything else he was saying with his Nigerian talk. He got quite a laugh and said he has never seen two people choose the same answer and the wrong one at that with a certain question. We both choose no conflicts. He said boy if you will never have conflicts then you two are ready for the heaven-perfect world then we will be praying to Saint April amd Saint Michael. lol Needless to say we all got a good laugh out of that. Surprisingly on our couple test we got an overall 98%. Fr. ended the meeting with giving us a beer. He said to go ahead and enjoy, I have already blessed it for you. lol 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't tell Grandma about the beer being blessed as her "Baptist" mind would not wrap around that. lol
    All exciting, can't wait for the Saint's Wedding Day!!......................


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