Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm back!

Well as you all can see in my previous post... Mike and I are expecting a little bundle of joy on October 13, 2013! We're very excited and so happy to finally tell our secret! It was the hardest secret to keep especially from our family.

We found out the morning of Superbowl Sunday. The day before I was extremely tired and ended up sleeping five hours during the day. I just assumed I was getting the flu that was going around as I felt a little lousy. Even went to bed early that night. When I woke up on Sunday, I was still tired. I thought to myself... what the heck I'll take a test. It's just going to be another negative test and was starting to realize that maybe it just wasn't in the cards for us. Always had in the back of my mind with my thyroid disease that it wouldn't be a possibility for us.

I began getting ready for church and almost forgot about the test. As I was throwing it in the trash as I saw a glimpse of two lines. I was shocked! I just knew it would be a negative.

...As of right now, we are sticking to our guns and not going to find out the gender.

...Boy name was easy for us, first name said out loud was the winner which I was very surprised Mike liked it so much. A girl name on the other hand is another story... very hard! At least we have time to decide. Not sure if we're going to share the names since we plan to use them regardless if we get the opposite gender in the future.

...Absolutely love my doctor, Dr. Su. She is so nice and I already feel like she is a good friend just after one visit.

...Unfortunately I am considered a high risk pregnancy due to my thyroid. So at 28 weeks I will be seeing a specialist every week until the baby is born. Sucks, but Dr. Su has no concerns and said everything looks like it's suppose to. Now I just need to make sure I take my thyroid medicine every morning, since it provides hormones to the baby that my body is lacking.

...Feeling very blessed to have my new job with excellent health care insurance. I would be paying a fortune with my old job.

...Mike has been a trooper. Not complained once. I think? lol He's been doing most of the cooking and laundry before I even get home from work. My house is a wreck and it's killing me that I don't care and don't feel like doing it. At least I'm nearing the second trimester. Bring on the household chores!!

...I really can't complain about being pregnant, just been the usual tired all the time and nauseous in the mornings.


  1. I'm super excited for you two!!! Don't worry about being high risk I was that with Nathan. You'll get lots of ultra sounds and see the baby almost weekly :)

  2. And I had to keep quiet since we found out last Friday!! Hard to do, but we did it. Even Grandpa Great kept his mouth shut, a very hard task for him as he loves to tell the family any new news! lol
    We are thrilled to become grandparents.

  3. Thank you! I'm not worried about the high risk, I know it's just a precautionary to do a double check with the baby. I think it's more just knowing I'll have to work more hours to make up my time when I see that Dr. weekly which will prob. be in Columbia. LOL


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