How far along? 24 weeks. Ignore the no makeup look! :)
Total weight gain/loss: ?? Go to the doctor next week in Jeff.
Maternity clothes? Yes. It's so hard to find good maternity clothes that don't look so 'maternity/old lady looking'. Not much out there. I did find a website, where I got the dress below. I could wear it everyday, it's so comfortable!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Some
Best moment this week: Baby loves music! Danced in my belly during the whole reception for Mike's cousins wedding yesterday. At first my stomach was sore, guess the baby calmed down a little after getting used to the loud music.
Miss Anything? Coffee and soda.
Movement: Lots.
Food cravings: No cravings that I can think of. My favorite food right now is a big bowl of Honey Nut cereal with bananas cut up in it, the box only lasted me three days.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Have you started to show yet: Yep, it's officially been a hand magnet! A cousin of Mike's, daughter Keely had to constantly touch my belly. She confirms it's a baby girl, the size of her baby doll right now and loves to talk (as she put her ear up to my belly and said the baby was talking to her). :)
Gender: Unknown. Everyone's guesses at the wedding was split about 50/50. Carrying high - girl. Belly is up and down and not side to side (like a barrel) - boy.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? In. Although my belly button is slowly making it's way to being even with my belly.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: My next doctor's appointment.
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At Matt & Whitney Holtmeyer's wedding! |